Zaid and Lisa, two of our co-founders, spoke with Harriet van der Vliet of Oxford Instruments Nanoscience on SCALINQ’s latest quantum computing hardware solutions and how they can be applied to cryogenic systems.
Our sample holder, LINQER, can be mounted in all refrigerators available in the market, including Oxford Instruments NanoScience’s Proteox range. This is one of our many efforts to collaborate with the industry to produce more compatible and standardized hardware for quantum computing.
LINQER also has the added advantage of having a small footprint. Thus, more than one LINQER can be fitted to a dilution refrigerator.

The picture shows how two LINQER 36 were integrated into an Oxford Instruments Nanoscience’s secondary insert. In addition, with our adaptable PCBs, two or more qubit characterization and testing can be run in the same fridge cycle—saving time and resources as well as reducing the risk of needlessly exposing the system to potential sources of error.
LINQER, a microwave-based sample holder, is highly adaptable and can fit up to 300 connections in the same area that other commercially available solutions can only fit 25. We are happy to be collaborating with a leading supplier of quantum hardware like Oxford Instruments. This is a stepping stone towards creating more value for our customers.
You can read the full interview here.